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While going green is nothing new, especially since all the negative effects of our unsustainable practices are now coming back to haunt us, more and more companies and sponsors prefer to join events that focus on social responsibility.

If a few years back, you could get away by simply being eco-friendly, nowadays event planners are expected to include all best practices when it comes to social responsibility.

How can you bring social consciousness in your event?

Reusing, re-purposing and recycling are the first steps to demonstrate your event’s commitment to the environment.

The offer on recycled stationery and merchandising to promote your event is wide; pencils that can be planted to grow flowers, USB in pens made out of recycled paper, branded reusable shopping bags, just to name a few, are all easily available.

Integrate charitable activities in the framework of the event, and give back to the local community is becoming a must, in any reputable event.

The fastest forward-thinking companies are starting collaborating with community centers to add some cultural trends to their events, creating that unexpected factor, which will leave a long lasting impression on the attendees.

Other big trends, when it comes to social responsibility, are to offer sustainable, fair-trade food options or supporting the local business.

Donate the leftover food, flower decorations and bottled water to associations, charities or senior living facilities can be a great idea too.

Remember! Sharing your value proposition with your attendees will deepen their experience, resulting in both, future record attendance and a successful renewal rate for next year’s event.